Hips are perhaps the most attractive part of the female body. A long butt, round, upright butt that does not protrude sideways adorns the dreams of all men and women. A distinctive pit, two small dimples, a thin waist and a taut belly support this image. Leg length and hip width are inherited and cannot be changed. However, it may be possible to create a more proportionate and aesthetic appearance by preserving the existing, revising the deteriorating and changing the shape of the soft tissues.

Frequently asked questions about hip (butt) aesthetics:

What is hip aesthetics?

All procedures for buttocks, hips and waist can be grouped under the heading of hip aesthetics. The goal is to shape and raise the butt, to remove excess basins, to provide a waist-hole appearance and to thin. Liposuction is performed in these places and fat is removed, but the upper side of the butt is supported by fat injections. It is possible to use silicone prostheses in cases where the oil is not sufficient. In this way, the back of the buttock is high and allows to stand. In patients who have lost a lot of weight and the skin is abundant, the entire hip area can be hung up by removing the generous skin from the top of the butt. In this case, as in the case of breast lift surgery, the patient’s own tissues can be formed under the skin to form a perpendicular and taut shape to the butt. My personal preference is to shape loose and sagging hips with this technique, if possible, without the use of a prosthesis.

Hip aesthetics can be performed on all patients who are not satisfied with the shape of the hip. Patients often complain that their butt is flattened, low, or too large.

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