Skin care should be continued by women. Because the skin protects the internal organs from external factors and also appeal to the eyes of people with the appearance. As the age begins to progress, the skin begins to wrinkle…

01 Medical Skin Care 02 Ultra Lifting HIFU (Focused Ultrasound) 03 Targeted Weight Loss with LIPO – HIFU 04 Laser Applications 05 Botulinum Toxin – Botox 06 Dermal Fillers 07 Thread Lift & Silhouette Soft 08 PRP Therapy 09…

Especially in dark-skinned people and people of the Mediterranean region, the color of the genital area darkens over the years. It is normal that the color of the skin of the genital area is one or two tones darker…

Relaxation, enlargement and sagging of the vagina occur due to age, postpartum and frequency in sex life. Due to this change and the resulting situation, it can cause sudden urinary incontinence, especially when coughing or laughing, as well as…

Vaginal rejuvenation describes the process of restoring the vagina, whose structure changes with age. If the enlargement of the vagina is small, we can perform radiofrequency narrowing without surgery. We use the radiofrequency heating and firming effect of the…

Hymenoplasty or hymen is the restoration of the hymen by repairing the virgin membrane with a surgical operation. Hymen (hymen) can be repaired by local anesthesia with flaps or by suturing the membrane if sufficient tissue is available.

01 Hymenoplasty 02 Vaginal Rejuvenation 03 Vajinal Tightening 04 Vaginal Bleaching

Combined aesthetic surgery is the operation of several aesthetic surgeries in the same session. All known aesthetic surgeries (nose aesthetic surgery, breast aesthetics, facial aesthetics and body aesthetics) can be performed within the scope of collective aesthetic surgeries. Two,…

Hips are perhaps the most attractive part of the female body. A long butt, round, upright butt that does not protrude sideways adorns the dreams of all men and women. A distinctive pit, two small dimples, a thin waist…

The legs are our shadow, which is in the middle like our faces. Especially the harmony of the area under the knee cap is very important. Proper legs in men and women, as well as looking good health indicator.…